The Derelict Story

The Derelict story begins with a storm, flooding and a plan to buy an abandoned fertiliser shed.

Another link in a long chain of events. A chain that began with The Village Snob in 2016.

Throw in some mental health challenges and a search for oneself, 
and you find the indescribable feeling of being home, beyond the (Forgotten World) Highway. 

The Derelict story begins to paint a well-weathered picture.

Beyond the highway of ghost towns and Derelict buildings lays the namesakes of our flagship blends, 
Matiere and Mangaroa (Ohura).

The timeless, unforgettable charm. 

The mystique of the past and the heartfelt calling of a simpler time. 

 A spiritual connection to the whenua led to searching for a way to one day settle in this forgotten yet unforgettable corner of the King Country. 

Since “the Ohura incident” in 2018, there has been a constant search for another poor life choice to my collection, this time, property in Ohura. After many fraught attempts, an opportunity (too good to be true) presented. 

A Derelict, former fertiliser shed and plot of land in Matiere.

The polished city vibes of The Village Snob were out of place amongst the decaying buildings and rural landscape of Matiere, and Derelict was born in a moment of following the road and the heart. 

Following The Snobby Collective came a crossroads. Having spent over four years not just sharing stories but sampling dozens upon dozens of coffees from some of New Zealand’s best roasters, it was getting harder to add value as we saw the same producers, varieties and countries year after year. 

Derelict took charge of our destiny to share hand-picked coffees and their stories, continuing to expand our knowledge of coffee with coffee lovers. 

Derelict would not be a roaster for roasters' sake, and in a twist of well-placed irony, Derelict would be unforgettable. 

 More than just a tagline

Unforgettable coffee is a mission statement. 

Unforgettable Coffee

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New Zealand